Page 30 - Post Stroke Hobbies Exhibition 2016
P. 30
Ivory Willae

Handwork - Beading precious stone bangles - USA

It initially feels as if a stroke grounds you. Doctor visits
become the new norm. As soon as I could, I grasped
each accomplishment and celebrated my growth.

During recovery, I began to feed my mind by purchas-
ing precious stones like amethyst to develop aware-
ness, agate to enhance courage and labradorite to
protect my soul. I set out to increase my balance and
strength of both the left and right sides of my body.

30 I used a double needle technique to bead these stones
into bangles to ensure I was armed with this energy

every where I went. I recalled the creative job role the

stroke pulled me away from, and was determined to

continue working toward what brought me joy.

I made apparel that reminded me of my bi-hemispher-
ic stroke, incorporating relatable lyrics and images of
my brain scans I now craved to understand. This is my
new reality, yet the person I was before my stroke still
has a voice. Still has strengths. Still lives.

I merged the old with the new to bring me through.
My hope is to share this nugget of hope to push others
through their stroke journey. Striveā€¦ Surviveā€¦ Soar!
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